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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Low levels of the vital male sex hormone testosterone can affect your libido, mental health, and physique. If you develop symptoms of low testosterone, visit John Risi, NP, at New Spirit Health in Mesa, Arizona. He offers testosterone replacement therapy to rebalance your hormones and reverse the effects of insufficient testosterone. Call New Spirit Health today or schedule a telehealth or in-person consultation online to learn how you could benefit from testosterone replacement therapy.

What is testosterone replacement therapy?

Testosterone is a hormone both men and women need, but men have far more of it. It’s the hormone responsible for masculine changes at puberty — facial and body hair growth, increased muscle mass and strength, and sexual development.

If your testosterone levels fall, you may develop distressing symptoms that reduce your quality of life. Testosterone replacement therapy helps reverse these problems and restore well-being.

What symptoms indicate I need testosterone replacement therapy?

Low testosterone causes a variety of symptoms that might include:

  • Reduced libido (loss of interest in sex)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Long-term fatigue
  • Difficulties concentrating
  • Reduced drive and motivation
  • Increased body fat
  • Loss of facial and body hair
  • Depression
  • Irritability

Some men experience mild problems when their hormone levels drop. That’s particularly true as they enter middle age because testosterone levels naturally fall at this time of life. For other men, low testosterone is a significant issue.

Hypogonadism is a condition where you have very low testosterone. It can happen at any age, causing distressingly severe symptoms. Research indicates that substance use disorder — particularly opioid addiction — can adversely affect testosterone levels.

At New Spirit Health, your provider runs tests to measure your testosterone and check for other underlying conditions before prescribing testosterone replacement therapy.

What does testosterone replacement therapy involve?

Testosterone replacement therapy comes in several forms, including:

Transdermal testosterone replacement

Transdermal patches contain testosterone that your body absorbs through your skin directly into your bloodstream.

Gel-based testosterone replacement therapy

Gel-based testosterone is available as a nasal gel, pump applicator, or individual packet. You apply the gel to your skin daily, and your body absorbs it into your bloodstream.

Testosterone mouth patch

A mouth patch is a small pill you put on your gum twice daily.

Testosterone injections

Testosterone injections offer a longer-lasting method of raising your hormone levels.

Testosterone implants

Testosterone implants are tiny — about the size of a rice grain. Your provider injects one under your skin, where it gradually releases the right amount of testosterone into your body.

It’s important to know that too much testosterone could adversely affect your health. Always visit a qualified medical professional for an accurate diagnosis and careful treatment monitoring.

Call New Spirit Health or schedule a consultation online today to see if you could benefit from testosterone replacement therapy.